In order to find the answers to your questions easily and quickly, we have collected answers on this page. If you do not find the answer to your question, you can contact our customer service at:
I can't log in to my account, where's the problem?
Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation link in your email that you need to confirm. Without confirmation, you will not be able to log in. If you don't find the confirmation message, check your spam or offers inbox
I have placed an order but the bonus points have not been logged in to my account. Why so?
Make sure you are logged in to the online store with your credentials when you place your order. Otherwise, bonus points will not be credited to your account.
I would like to move my shipment to another pick-up location and I will not have time to pick up my shipment within a week. Can you help?
In matters related to delivery, always contact the transport company directly and agree on delivery with them.
How do I know if a product is available?
Most of the products can be found in our warehouse. Missing products can usually be ordered in less than a day. Sometimes the product is out of stock from the supplier or the ordering time for the product is longer, then the delivery time is also extended. In these cases, we will always notify the customer of the delay.
How to register?
You can easily register here and you will get a personal username and password.
How do I get Bonuspoints for my purchases?
Bonus points accrue based on the total amount of your order when you place an order in our online store. You will receive ten (10) bonus points for every euro in your order. For example, for a order of 75 euros, you get 750 bonus points. Bonus points accrue on all your purchases, including prescription purchases, self-care purchases, and possible service fees. You can use your bonus points with your next order and you can choose products from the changing selection of bonus procucts.
How long are my bonus points valid?
Bonus points are valid for one year from the date they are added to your bonus account. You can collect bonus points and use them in any way you want during the points' validity period.
How can I check my accumulated bonus points?
You can find the accumulation of bonus points by logging in to your own customer account.
How do I order a new password?
Once you have logged in with your own ID, you can change the password in your personal information. If you have forgotten your password, you can request a new one in the login page.
When will my package arrive?
When your order is shipped, you will receive an order confirmation to your email address. This includes the package ID / shipment number that you can click to track your shipment. The package can sometimes be delayed for unexpected reasons. If you have not received the package in about four working days, you can contact us at
How do I know that my order has been processed?
As soon as your order is complete, an order confirmation will be sent to your email address. Please also remember to check for any spam and offer inboxes.
Can I order abroad?
Unfortunately no. We currently only deliver to Finnish addresses.
Where and when can I pick up my order?
You can choose delivery to any of the following pick-up locations: Schenker pick-up points, Matkahuolto pick-up points and Posti pick-up points. Home delivery from Posti and Matkahuolto is also available. The order will be shipped in 0-2 business days.
Is it possible to order medicines as home delivery?
It is also possible to order medicines from the online store as home delivery by Posti and Matkahuolto. The order will be delivered to the address you provided, at a time agreed with the shipping service. If the recipient cannot be reached by telephone, the parcel is left to be picked up at the nearest pick up point.
How can I make a product evaluation?
With the product review function of the online service, you can give stars to your favorite products and write reviews that appear in connection with product information on our website (ratings do not apply to medicines). Select the product you like and click on the “Evaluate Product” button on the product card. Select the number of stars and write your own review of the product. Fill in your contact information (the reviewer's information will not be published) and save your review. The review will be published as soon as it has been processed by our team.
Can I order prescription products online?
If you have an electronic prescription, you can order it from our online pharmacy. Sign in to start your order. Use the search function to find the medicines you have a prescription for. When you have added all the prescriptions you want to the shopping cart, press the “Aloita reseptiasiointi” button, Identify with your online banking ID, mobile certificate or certificate card, and a message will be sent to the pharmacy to process your shopping cart. You can order products 24/7. The pharmacist will contact you by phone on weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm. The pharmacist will transfer the prescription order back to the shopping cart. If necessary, you can ask our pharmacist for advice when ordering. Your shopping cart will remain active throughout your order, so you can continue shopping and add other products to your shopping cart. After paying for your order, we will deliver it the way you want.
How can I renew my electronic prescriptions?
Requests to renew electronic prescriptions can be submitted directly to Kela's service at It is possible to submit a renewal request for electronic prescriptions from which a medicine has already been taken. Prescriptions valid for two years can be renewed for 28 months from the date of order. Other recipes can be renewed for 16 months. When requesting a renewal, you should provide your own mobile phone number, which will inform you about the renewal of the prescription via SMS. You can also submit a renewal request when receiving a prescription. Renewal of the prescription is free of charge for bonus customers. Your doctor may charge a fee for the renewal.
How can I find information on prescription medicines from an online pharmacy?
On the online pharmacy home page, you can enter the product name in the search field. Click on the search result to see all the package sizes and prices of the product. The product page contains information on, among other things, the intended use, mode of action, intake of the medicine, shelf life and possible side effects.
If you want more information about individual medicines, you can easily find information on e.g. from the online service If you want reliable, independent and up-to-date information about your illness, the Health Library has more than 10,000 articles written by experts,
I was in a hurry and couldn´t pick up my package, how do I get the package delivered again?
When a package is not picked up, it will be returned to us. We will send you instructions on how to resend the package once it has been returned to us. We will charge a maximum of EUR 19.90 for shipping and handling if the package is not picked up.
Can I cancel my prescription after paying?
The order for prescription products can no longer be canceled after the medication counselling has been given and the purchase has been transferred back to the shopping cart. According to the Medicines Act, the Medicinal Product is non refundable. If the medicine is returned, it will be discarded and charged from the customer.
Can I cancel my nonprescription medicine after paying?
The nonprescription medicine order can no longer be canceled after the purchase has been paid for. According to the Medicines Act, the Medicinal Product is non refundable. If the medicine is returned, it will be discarded and charged from customer.
I can't buy with my browser, where's the problem?
We recommend using the latest version of the most popular browsers, such as Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. If you have an older version or another browser, the website may not work properly.
How can I join your mailing list?
You can join our mailing list here. Subscribe to our email for our great deals and tips on health and wellness.